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Lord Vinayaka, The Great God of Hinduism is humbly adorned by the Hindu people from all over the world in their daily life. He is the Elder Son of Lord Shiva and has significance in almost all temples of Hinduism in all over the world. Lord Ganesh, Lord Vignesh, Lord Ganapathy, Lord Pillayar are some of the other names of this God. Lord Vinayaka means one who has no leader and He is the leader of all and Lord Vignesh means that He is the God of averting obstacles. Here Vigna means obstacles. Lord Ganesh or Lord Ganapathy means that He is the Captain of all good forces. The mouse is the vehicle of Lord Vinayaka. In every temple of India there is an idol of mouse placed infront of Him. The people suffering from malefic planets are faithfully worshipping Him to get relief of them. Lord Vinayaka Moola Mantra is 'Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha'

Lord Vinayaka Has the peculiar shape with elephant face and big belly which attracts all the people and even the people belonging to the religions other than Hinduism. The trunk of His elephant face is resembling the Tamil script of OM and it is believed that meditating His elephant face will produce special results in our daily activities.

The Hindu people are used to write His associated script before writing any letter or article on the top of the paper as they are celebrating Him as the God of averting obstacles. Whenever the students are getting prepared to go to attend the exams, they give first preference to Lord Vinayaka to pray Him so as to get high marks. The newly started companies, shops are celebrating this Great God to get success and acheive the goal in their endavours.

Lord Vinayaka has temples everywhere in all parts of India. The temple of Him usually situated under a pupil tree or on the bank of a river. Hence He is the God of poor people His temples are found in the all parts of the country.

The story of Lord Vinayaka

The following story is narrated about the birth and how He came to have an elephant head. Once upon a time Godess Shakthi wanted to take bath in Her home after creating Lord Ganesh out of white mud by Her spiritual power. She put Him as a security and told Him not to allow any body inside. Lord Shiva was returning home and stopped by Lord Vinayaka. Lord Shiva got angry and cut off his head as He thought Lord Vinayaka was an outsider. When Godess Shakthi came to know this she was sorely grieved. To console Her Lord Shiva ordered His servants to bring a head of any creature that might be sleeping its head facing north. The servants went on their mission and found only an elephant in that position. The sacrifice was thus made and the elephant's head was brought before Lord Shiva. The Lord then joined the elephant's head to the body of Lord Vinayaka. Lord Shiva made His son worthy of worsip at the begining of all undertakings, marriages, studies, etc. He ordained the annual worship of Lord Vinayaka.

Vinayaka Chaturti

This is the grand festival of Hindu people in which the total prominence is given to Lord Vinayaka. It comes on every 4 th new moon day of August or September of every year. In the evening of the day people are decorating the idol or the picture of Lord Vinayaka with flowers and garlands and humbly present Him three varieties of fruits, pot roasted rice flakes, grams, boiled grams and steam boiled flour recipe with the ingredients of coconut pieces, sugar and cardamom in little amount. On the same day, small idols of Vinayaka made of mud are available in all parts of the country. The next day people carry the idols of Lord Vinayaka and immerse them in the pond or river.

On this same day of the festival in all the cities and towns of India many groups of people are arranging gaint idol of the Lord Vinayaka and placed it on the important corners of the cities and towns. The public people are allowed to worship Lord Vinayaka. On the second or third day of the festival all the gaint idols are collected and placed in the lorries for leading procession along the important streets of the cities and towns. The procession finally reaches the pond or sea to immerse the idols of the Lord Vinayaka.

Different Images of Lord Vinayaka

Lord Vinayaka Has different images to offer blessings to His faithful devotees. The Most popular among them is Shri Karpaga Vinayaka. His main temple is situated at Pillayar patti in Tamil nadu. He is associated with plenty of wealth and health which He offers to his faithful devotees.

Lord Siddhi Vinayaka is the other image. His consort's name is Siddhi and so called in that name. He is believed as the provider of wishes and His main temple in the country is at Prabhavathi area of Mumbai. This famous temple was built in the year 1801 by Mr. Laxman and Mrs Deubai patil. The magnificient view of this temple makes it as one of the main tourist attractions of Mumbai. It is crowded in all the days of the year.

Lord Uchi pillayar is another image of the Lord and His temple is situated at Trichy of Tamilnadu. The Lord Vinayaka here is sitting at the top of a huge rock in 95 metre high in the middle of the town. On the top of the rock we can get dharsan of Lord Uchi Pillayar and also enjoy the magnificient view of the city.

Lord Bala Vinayaka is the youth or child form of Vinayaka in which He has been accompanied with His brother Lord Muruga and worshipping their Father Lord Shiva. This form of the Lord shows the great truth of God of God.

Lord Selva Vinayaka is the decorated form of Lord Vinayaka with gold jewels and ornaments. He is associated with wealth to offer the wealthy life to His devotees.

Lord Mukkuruni Vinayaka is the gaint form of Vinayaka and situated in the temple complex of Madurai Meenakshi Temple. His big belly reveals the truth of each and every thing of the universe is included into it.

Lord Veera Vinayaka is the standing form of the Lord Who is reday to destroy the evil things to save the innocent people from them. He Has many heads and hands in this form. He is also equipped with many weapons in this form.


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